Bio-Metric Attandance System SAB IT SERVICES Travel portal helps you create a virtual desk for your company. A quick and easy way to book & track all office related travel requirements The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Employees, Attendance, Offices, Tasks. It tracks all the details about the Tasks, Resources,Time Entries.
- This system has control to manage Attandance, Holidays, Leaves, Internal Transfers, Permissions and Reports.
- AutomatiGenerating reports for Monthly Attandance, Movement Reports, Weekoff Reports, Movement Reports.
- Move away from excel sheets and manual hiring process.
- Bring all recruiters at one platform and track performance
- NO PROXY ATTENDANCE : A biometric time attendance system enables you to eliminate employee proxy attendance . Physiological features like fingerprints are nearly impossible for someone to replicate or share, and thus makes it foolproof.
- REAL-TIME DATA :Modern biometric time attendance systems easily connect with your HR software, such as sumHR. This enables you to make reports without any difficulty, based on the latest data for analysis. You don't have to wait for the data to be updated for verification.
- PAYROLL ERROR REDUCTION: Attendance and leave management are connected to payroll, which is very important. A biometric attendance system connected with your HRM software, such as sumHR, enables your team to reduce (and even eliminate) errors related to payroll processing.
- LOW COST : Since it is based on physiological features such as fingerprints, you don't have to worry about extra costs of RFID/Chip cards, which turn out to be expensive, as employees tend to lose such cards or in case they abscond, both of which are quite common these days.
- NO DATA MANIPULATION: Attendance and leaves recorded using biometric devices means that your employees cannot manipulate their data for overtime to earn extra money, lunch time/breaks, holidays, and leaves. A biometric attendance system helps you to easily keep a tab on employee activities.